NFN8 Group Explains Digital Asset Mining and Why It’s Important
Originally published on Finance Digest on 11/25/2024. Modes of exchanging money have constantly evolved throughout history. From the gold standard to fiat money to exchanging digital assets, humans continue to create inventive methods for bartering, buying, and investing. And according to the multimillion-dollar, digital-asset creation corporation NFN8 Group , Bitcoin mining isn’t just some fad—it’s the way of both the present and the future. Bitcoin By this point, most of you have likely heard of Bitcoin. But for those not already acquainted, Bitcoin is a virtual form of currency designed essentially to function as money. It was introduced to the public back in 2009 by a still-anonymous developer (or a group of developers, some speculate) called Satoshi Nakamoto. Today, Bitcoin is the largest virtual currency in the world. (As of early November 2024, one Bitcoin is equivalent to roughly 88,000 USD.) Mining, the Blockchain, and the Rubik’s Cube Analogy But what ...